This case started December 20, 2020, when RCAHT received a referral from the Hemet Police Dept about the possible sex trafficking of a 15 yr.old minor. On Tues February 2, 2021 RCAHT served search warrants for Steven Rawley’s vehicle and apartment. The search found numerous electronic devices with information pertaining to the case and Rawley was arrested. His charges included contact with a minor with intent to commit kidnapping or sex offenses, unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor over 3 years younger than the perpetrator and going to an arranged meeting with a minor to commit sex offenses. All are felonies.
This case was broadcasted on the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department social media sites and distributed through Million Kids Insider Alerts. In April, a minor from Temecula came forward and said she was sexually exploited for money via social media by Rawley.
This case is ongoing, and we believe there are additional victims. If you have additional information regarding the case of Steven Rawley, please contact Deputy Mario Chavez at 951-422-1141 or 951-955-1700 and reference the Steven Rawley case.
Please watch Opal's video for more information.